
brain is extended to its fullest

Today as I was walking out of my Japanese professor's office, I casually said "Jaa ne!" And immediately I begin to think of the horrible mistake I had just made. Why in the world did I exclaim, "See you later" rather than politely excusing myself as I humbly walk out of the room. Should have left with a "Shitsurei shimashita" or a "Jaa, mata aimashou." Another regret to add to the tons of regrets in my life...

And of course I start to mull over my actions. As I thought, it occurred to me that this is how I say good bye to my Chinese professor. "Zai jian" and I leave with a wave, not a bow. Subsequently, I noticed that "Jaa ne" and "Zai jian" are also two syllable words and somehow I had confused the two. The Chinese that I had learned was influencing my Japanese and it materialized in this embarrassing moment. I hate moments like this.